Bass Transcription: Joe Dart on Vulfpeck's "Birds Of A Feather, We Rock Together"

Loving the latest from Vulfpeck. Jack Stratton just released the stems from the "Birds Of A Feather" session, so I took the opportunity to transcribe Joe Dart's line from his isolated bass track.

This tune isn't a crazy Dart feature or anything, but I love his groove and tone throughout the track. And it highlights one of my favorite things about Dart's playing: he always has his meat and potatoes before he gets to dessert. His playing is relatively subdued throughout most of the track but on the chorus vamp out he really starts letting loose, and it's great (obv).

I also used the stems to create a stripped mix of the tune, with no bass. So you can play Joedart Hero: 

And here's the transcription:

Enjoy! Let me know if you see any mistakes or corrections that need to be made.